{ "messageCount": 4, "messages": [ { "type": 1, "address": "+XX12345678", "date": 1661085590000, "dateSent": 1661085586000, "read": true, "status": -1, "body": "Do you want to make pizza tn ?", "protocol": 0, "locked": false, "subId": 1 }, { "type": 2, "address": "+XX12345678", "date": 1661085639000, "dateSent": 1661085636000, "read": true, "status": -1, "body": "Yeah, what do I need to get ?", "protocol": 0, "locked": false, "subId": 1 }, { "type": 2, "address": "+XX12345678", "date": 1661085745000, "dateSent": 1661085742000, "read": true, "status": -1, "body": "If I do the groceries can you cook ?", "protocol": 0, "locked": false, "subId": 1 }, { "type": 1, "address": "+XX12345678", "date": 1661085799000, "dateSent": 1661085795000, "read": true, "status": -1, "body": "Ok get tomatoes and olives", "protocol": 0, "locked": false, "subId": 1 } ] }